July 26, 2021 | 1 Corinthians 5 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Jesus Christ is both our Good Shepherd and the perfect Lamb of God, sacrificed for our salvation. While under the Mosaic Law animals had to be sacrificed over and over, our Lord Jesus became the perfect Sacrifice who paid that price once for all […]
July 25, 2021 | Mark 14:12–26 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue One of the most famous paintings in the world is The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci. The painting shows the moment Jesus announced He would be betrayed, with the disciples reacting in different ways appropriate to their personalities. Other things are going on as […]
July 24, 2021 | Exodus 12:1–28 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue God had heard the cries of His people Israel in bondage in Egypt. He’d sent Moses to Pharaoh with the message, “Let my people go!” He’d also sent increasingly serious plagues to match Pharaoh’s increasingly hardened heart and to demonstrate to everyone that the gods […]
IMPERFECT, YET STILL PASSOVER March 25, 2019 | 2 Chronicles 30 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue The New Testament continually refers to Christ’s death on the cross to pay for our sin and His resurrection from the dead to offer us new life. The books of Acts through Revelation describe the ways that the church works […]