October 4, 2020 | Psalm 46 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue In October 1527, Martin Luther’s life looked bleak. He had been hiding for years because of his commitment to salvation by faith alone. In August, the bubonic plague swept the area where he lived. It must have felt like the world was falling apart. In […]
Friday, 3/4/20 “THE MIGHTY OUTCRY” SCRIPTURE READING: Hebrews 5:7-8 EXPOSITION: The above scripture reveals our Lord Jesus Christ pouring His heart out in prayer during a very critical time of His life on earth. It was very intense, personal and real. He was in great need and had to cry unto the Father. In agony, […]
MIGHTY AND YOUNG March 22, 2019 | 2 Chronicles 27 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Social identity is the term used by social psychologists to describe the ways that people express who they are. These ways include making choices that align with their “in-groups” and avoiding behaviors that they associate with their “out-groups.” Social identities can […]