July 12, 2020 | Joshua 6:17–25 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Imagine the bedlam that occurred after the walls of Jericho came tumbling down. As bricks crumbled and dust clouded the air, the Israelite army rushed into the city. The enemies fled for their lives as Jericho was overtaken. Rahab and her family were in hiding, […]
July 4, 2020 | Joshua 1:10-18 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Where did we get the phrase “United we stand, divided we fall”? The concept is a biblical one (Mark 3:25), but the phrase was penned in 1768 by John Dickinson, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America. In “The Liberty Song” […]
June 30, 2020 | Genesis 50:1–21 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Do we truly believe that God never fails? Our view of success and failure ultimately depends on what we believe about God and His sovereignty. If God is sovereign, we can trust the good and bad moments of our lives to Him. Joseph modeled this […]
June 28, 2020 | 1 Corinthians 1:18–31 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Educator Michael Bycraft argues that failure can be a valuable experience for children. He explains: “If we have always taught our kids that every test must be an A+, then how do we support them when it isn’t?” He argues there’s a better approach: […]
JOY WHEN WE FAIL June 25, 2020 | Psalm 73 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue On his album American Prodigal, Christian musician David Crowder sings: As for me, it is good to be near God. PSALM 73:28 “Troubles of this world, will wither up and die That river of tears made by the lonely, someday will […]
June 24, 2020 | Habakkuk 3:16–19 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue “I went to sleep with gum in my mouth and now there’s gum in my hair and when I got out of bed this morning I tripped on the skateboard and by mistake, I dropped my sweater in the sink while the water was running […]
June 14, 2020 | Philippians 1:12–18 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue “You may find yourself fighting against God if you fail to realize as Paul did here that the whole of your past has had the hand of God in it . . . even with failure in the past,” said author Paul Little, speaking about […]
FAITH AND DOUBT April 30, 2020 | Matthew 28:16–20 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue In one parable, Jesus told the story of a man in hell who pleaded with Abraham to send someone back from the dead to warn his brothers of the danger. Abraham refused the man’s request: “If they do not listen to Moses […]
A MISUNDERSTOOD QUESTION April 28, 2020 | Matthew 27:45–56 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue After Steve Jobs died, his family reported that his last words were “Oh, wow!” Blues singer Bessie Smith’s last words were “I’m going but I’m going in the name of the Lord.” Singer Frank Sinatra’s final words were less hopeful. It is […]
AN UNANSWERED QUESTION April 23, 2020 | Matthew 21:23–27 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Dale Carnegie’s 1936 book How to Win Friends and Influence People has sold more than 15 million copies, giving people advice on how to be liked. The key, says Carnegie, is to avoid arguments and not criticize. Although many people found his […]