Title: “Awoyo Sofo” – Kwaw Kese ft. Kofi Mole Ghanaian artists Kwaw Kese and Kofi Mole have teamed up to drop a blazing new hip-hop track titled “Awoyo Sofo,” shedding light on the issue of deceitful pastors. In this hard-hitting song, they delve into the world of fake preachers and their misleading practices, urging listeners […]
Mohammed Kudus, the Ghanaian Westham superstar is an electrifying football talent captivating audiences worldwide. With lightning speed, impeccable ball control, and a flair for the dramatic, Kudus is redefining the game. Kudus, recently joined his national team (Blackstars) in the recent AFCON 2024 with the aim of making his country proud with his awesome talent. […]
This is the solution for the A1.1 exams. Below is the link for the solutions. <<Click to download pdf>>
How Great a man is, is NOT assessed neither by popularity nor accomplishments; BUT rather how He expresses his hustle with HUMILITY to serve mankind.