February 25, 2022 | Philippians 4:14-16 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue If you need to rewire a thermostat or replace the J-trap in your sink, you can find an online video showing you how to do it all by yourself. With all the training material available on the internet, we may be tempted to think we […]
‘SAY IT AS IT IS’ as we already know is a program on MentiasieTV that gives the general public a platform to say what’s on their mind. The program is aimed at releasing stress. In Ghana now, the trending issue is about the up coming Election so we have introduced a segment on ‘SAY IT […]
The Mentiasie brand has over the years been one of the fastest growing media, Entertainment, and Trading hubs; not only in Ukraine but in Africa and the world as a whole. Below is our first Episode of ‘Say it as it is’ The year 2020 has been one of the most difficult years worldwide due to […]