July 30, 2021 | Revelation 22:1–5 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, anxiety and depression ramped up among people of all ages. The isolated and unstable conditions, constant news reports, and conflicting information increased our feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. People struggled not just with the threat of illness but […]
June 18, 2021 | Psalm 91 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Every day we are reminded that human life is incredibly fragile. As we look at the world, there are endless threats pressing near—disease, war, famine, and spiritual forces of evil, to name a few. It can be easy to focus on these potential dangers and […]
January 30, 2021 | Revelation 21:1–5 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue This past summer, my family moved from Texas to Indiana. We finally settled in after several long months of renovations. But even after we painted each room, filled the closets with our clothes, and hung décor on the walls, our new house didn’t feel like […]
July 31, 2020 | 1 Peter 2:4–12 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue As we end our journey through Joshua, it is important to remember how we fit in the bigger picture. It’s easy to dismiss the people and events of this book as long ago and far away. But the implications of their quest shed significant […]