Like any other year, today is father’s day. Most people will Celebrate it but for me, it’s exceptional. I wanted to also wish my dad a happy father’s day but he was nowhere to be found. I had no option than to make this video just to wish him a Happy father’s day and to […]
Mentiasie wishes everyone a happy new month. (February, 2022)
The Mentiasie brand has over the years been one of the fastest growing media, Entertainment, and Trading hubs; not only in Ukraine but in Africa and the world as a whole. Below is our first Episode of ‘Say it as it is’ The year 2020 has been one of the most difficult years worldwide due to […]
Waleed Hassanein, an Egyptian born US Surgeon, has made organs live on after a person has already died. People die in vain whilst waiting for donor organs and even if the organs were donated, few of them can be used because of incompatibility as well as organ decomposition. Previously, removed organs were placed on […]