January 18, 2022 | Ezekiel 33: 27-33 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Christians often define success in terms of numbers: the number of people converted, churches planted, church members in attendance, money raised, etc. Would you answer a ministry posting like this one? “Wanted: Person to speak for the Lord. All content provided. Failure guaranteed—no one […]
KNOWING RIGHT FROM WRONG February 7, 2020 | Esther 2:12–18 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Can you imagine having a full year of spa treatments? It might sound luxurious to us, but for the young women in Susa, any pleasure that might have been enjoyed was certainly mixed with grief, fear, and shame. When it was […]
January 29, 2020 | Exodus 4:1–12 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Dr. Erwin Lutzer served as senior pastor of Chicago’s Moody Church for 36 years. Preaching has been part of his life for decades, but many may not know that he had to overcome shyness. As a requirement to graduate from high school, students had to […]