March 1, 2022 | Joshua 1:1-18


This Month’s Issue

Have you ever experienced the call of God in your life? We know that God calls His people in at least two ways: generally, we are called into a redemptive and obedient relationship with Him, and sometimes specifically we are given a particular assignment for His glory.

This month we will return to study the lives of women in the Old Testament (see our first study in this series in March,2021). By looking closely at their lives, we will see how God called some to significant kingdom work and how He used others for His glory, even despite themselves.

The first woman we encounter is Rahab. While she doesn’t appear in today’s passage, the first chapter of Joshua helps us understand her place in the story. Moses had just died, and a still wandering Israel was looking for a new leader. In verses 1–9, God called Joshua to step into that leadership position. He charged Joshua, multiple times, to have courage and take strength. This was not going to be easy.

God also instructed Joshua to obey. The key to Joshua’s success would be his faithfulness to God’s law. Notice that, multiple times, God promised Joshua His presence. Just as God had been with Moses, He would be with Joshua and His people.

Joshua wasted no time in picking up the baton of leadership. In verse 10, he ordered his officers to prepare the people to move, giving special instructions to the Reubenites, Gadites, and half of the tribe of Manasseh, who would be settling on the eastern side of the Jordan. Israel responded to Joshua’s leadership with complete obedience as well—their own call to both courage and submission.

🧠As we study the lives of these Old Testament women, beginning with Rahab, consider if God may be calling you to something that requires courage and submission. Remember that, when He calls you, He also promises His presence all along the way.

May the good Lord grant you practical understanding of this passage.

➡️If studying the Word with us has been helpful to you, why not share this devotional with a friend or family member? Also your comments will be much appreciated.


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