PRACTICE FORESIGHT Devotion mentiasie JahKrow

August 28, 2020 | Luke 24


This Month’s Issue

Have you ever looked back at a situation and thought, I sure wish I’d known then what I know now. If we’re honest, we often have the opportunity to make informed decisions, we just don’t always practice foresight. A good teacher shows students how to predict (at least for the most part) what will happen based on what we do know.

Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms

LUKE 24:44

Jesus lived each day with a clear knowledge and awareness of what was to come—including His death and resurrection. His foresight had a purpose, obedience to the Father, and salvation for those who would repent of sin and turn toward God. In Luke 24 we see the power of God displayed through the resurrected Messiah. Angels told the women the good news: Jesus had risen from the dead! Peter saw the empty tomb, and Jesus spent time with two disciples, even though they did not immediately recognize Him. Finally, Jesus appeared to His gathered disciples, convincing them that He was not a ghost.

But in Luke 24:44 Christ reminds His followers that all of these things had been foretold. For them, as people who knew and had studied the Law, none of this should have come as a surprise. Likewise, when we know and serve God, we must realize He is faithful to His Word. We are not led blindly. The Bible tells us our future, giving specific and practical instructions on how we should live as faithful followers in today’s world.

We have the opportunity to practice foresight each day by reading God’s Word and living obediently. Verse 45 tells us how Jesus opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures. Nothing is keeping you from having the same blessing.

Today, read His Word, believe His Word, and obediently live His Word! As readers of God’s Word, we are able to live with foresight, certain of what is to come. When you place your head on your pillow tonight, no matter what happens, you can say, “Lord, today I lived for and honored you.”

Cpd Post Credit: TITW 

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