January 30, 2021 | Revelation 21:1–5


This Month’s Issue

This past summer, my family moved from Texas to Indiana. We finally settled in after several long months of renovations. But even after we painted each room, filled the closets with our clothes, and hung décor on the walls, our new house didn’t feel like home until we were able to invite a few family and friends over for meals and holidays. Doing life together made all the months and hassle of renovations worthwhile.

I am making everything new.


One day, all believers will reunite to live in the New Jerusalem. It will be unlike anything we have ever experienced (v. 2). This is the place Jesus has prepared for His followers, and its beauty will be unmatched (John 14:3). However, what will make our eternal future feel most like home is living in the presence of God (Rev. 21:3). What an amazing reunion that will be as we come face to face with our Savior. At last, we will be free from the emotional pain caused by sin and the curse (v. 4).

From His throne, God declares, “I am making everything new” (v. 5). This emphasizes that God is the One doing all the renovations. His declaration of making everything new is a reminder that throughout history, we have lived such wretched lives that renewal is necessary. It is easy to believe we are less sinful than we actually are. We fail to realize that we are completely fallen and deserve nothing but the consequences of sin. A redeemed person is thankful for forgiveness. As we live in our forever home with Him, we will be quick to give glory and praise to the One who makes all things new.

Close your eyes for a moment and envision your future and eternal Home. What do you think it will be like to be present with your Creator? You have been chosen and redeemed by God. Out of all the people He could live with forever, He chose you!


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