January 30, 2022 | Psalm 89:1-18


This Month’s Issue

“Stop praying for stuff and start praying for God,” wrote pastor David Platt. “The primary point of prayer is not to get something—it’s to know Someone. When you go into your room, close the door, and pray to your Father who is in secret, there is a reward awaiting you: intimacy with your heavenly Father through prayer.”

Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, LORD.

PSALM 89:15

Learning to pray God-centered prayers is part of learning to worship Him. For purposes of our study, the focus in today’s reading is verse 15: “Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, LORD.” The point is that worship must be learned. A more literal translation renders the first phrase, “Happy are the people who know the joyful shout,” that is, who know what the shout means (it’s a call to worship) and how to join in.

One implication is that learning about God is the same as learning to worship Him. In other words, it’s impossible to learn about Him only with our heads. As we learn with our heads, we’ll be compelled to praise with our hearts! If we’re not worshiping, then we’re not really learning either. To do one is to do the other—and when we do, we’ll be “blessed” or “happy.”

So, what do we learn in this psalm about God? He’s loving and faithful (vv. 1–2). He makes and keeps covenants (vv. 3–4). He’s awesome, incomparable, far above all other heavenly beings (vv. 5–8). He’s sovereign and all-powerful (vv. 9–13). He’s righteous and just (vv. 14–18). These are not only truths to affirm, but reasons to celebrate (v. 16). Worshipers learn and rejoice and walk in God’s presence, all at the same time (see Ps. 119:7).

➡️Since today is Sunday, we hope you’ll be attending a church service. As you join in worshiping there and throughout the day, thank God for who He is and for all that He is teaching you.

May the good Lord grant you understanding of this passage as well as ways to apply them.

If studying the Word with us has been helpful to you, why not share this devotional with a friend or family member? Also your comments will be much appreciated.


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