DEVOTION: 4th April, 2021

He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay – Mathew 28:6

Peter sat in grief and darkness, his days marked by God’s silence. He had publicly denied knowing Jesus just before Jesus was dragged away to be crucified. And now for the past few days, Peter had had to process his grief and guilt without any expectations that the pain would stop.

But during the early morning of the third day, Jesus’ tomb was found empty and the stone rolled away. As Perter huddles in fear with the other disciples trying to process the day’s events, Jesus suddenly appears to Peter fully alive. Instead of leaving Peter live with the shame of his past mistakes, Jesus pulls him aside and asks him a question that propels peter into purpose. “Do you love me?”

With this question, Jesus invites Peter to reaffirm the relationship He has denied. Jesus’ power over death and darkness meant that Peter didn’t have to stay defined by his past mistakes. He could still embrace the call on his life and become the leader Jesus always knew he could be. Like Peter, you have the opportunity to say “yes” to loving Jesus and being loved by Him. No matter how messy your life looks, or how far from Jesus you feel, there is nothing that can separate you from His love. Your past mistakes or current problems do not dictate your purpose when your life is rooted in Christ alone. May His resurrection bring a turnaround in your life. Amen!


Thank you Father for sending your only begotten Son to come and die on the cross to deliver me from the power of death and darkness. Thank you for turning my life around in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!

Meditation: Ephesians 2:15

International Liberation Ministry 

Share the word – the reason is Jesus. 

CPD post credit: Ps. Coal Gbedemah

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