April 14, 2021 | Daniel 2:1–23


This Month’s Issue

Dreams are not something we talk about much in Christian circles. However, we do see in Scripture that at times the Lord has used dreams to teach people about Himself and to communicate His glory to others. In our text today, the Lord did just that to Daniel, King Nebuchadnezzar, and the world.

Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are his.


For Daniel and his friends, the deck was stacked against them. King Nebuchadnezzar’s request to interpret his dream was humanly impossible, and the punishment was absurd. So Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did what only they knew how to do, they prayed. Together they sought help from the “God of heaven.” This title is used four times in this chapter and nowhere else in the book (vv. 18, 19, 37, 44). They needed knowledge for this mystery that could only come from an all-knowing God. While the pagan Babylonians worshiped the luminaries, the Israelites worship the God of heaven. God answered their prayers by revealing the mystery of the dream to Daniel in a vision.

Daniel responded with a prayer of praise to Yahweh (vv. 20–23). His prayer begins by praising God for being eternal, omniscient, and all-powerful (v. 20). He emphasizes that God is sovereign over all political affairs and people and indeed the One who brings people in and out of power. Daniel recognizes that only God is the One capable to give revelation and wisdom by revealing “deep and hidden things” (v. 22).

Daniel was quick to give thanks and praise to the “God of my ancestors,” for the wisdom he discerned (v. 23). The interpretation of the dream was nothing he did on his own or with the help of friends. Humanly speaking, it was impossible. But the God of heaven provided salvation for them.

You may not be asked to interpret any dreams, but if you need wisdom and discernment today, pray to the God of heaven. The all-knowing God knows exactly what you should do.


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